Andhra Pradesh, Tirupati: A devastating stampede unfolded early Wednesday in the sacred city of Tirupati, leaving at least seven people dead and several others injured. The incident occurred during a massive rush for tokens for the upcoming 10-day special darshan at the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD). With over 4,000 devotees gathered to secure tickets, the situation spiraled into chaos, triggering a tragic accident that has left the community in shock.
Authorities React to the Crisis
Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu expressed profound grief over the tragic incident and has instructed officials to provide swift relief to the injured and bereaved families. In a press statement, Naidu confirmed that senior officials have been dispatched to the site to oversee rescue operations and ensure better management of the situation.
“The safety of devotees is paramount. “Steps will be taken to avoid similar incidents in the future,” Naidu promised. The Chief Minister is scheduled to visit Tirupati on Thursday to meet the injured and review the security arrangements at the TTD counters.
TTD Board Chairman BR Naidu convened an emergency meeting following the incident and is expected to address the media shortly. Meanwhile, district authorities, including Collector Dr. S. Venkateshwar and JC Shubham Bansal, visited Rua Hospital, where the injured are undergoing treatment, to assess the situation and ensure the best possible care for the victims.
Opposition Voices Concern
YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, a former chief minister and president of the YSR Congress Party, also sent his sympathies to the departed families. He urged the government to take immediate action to prevent such incidents and ensure quality medical care for the injured. “This is a moment of deep sorrow. The safety of devotees must never be compromised,” Reddy stated in a public address.
TTD Under Scrutiny
The stampede has raised questions about the preparedness of TTD to manage massive crowds during significant events. Just a day earlier, TTD Executive Officer J. Shyamala Rao had announced detailed arrangements for Vaikuntha Ekadashi, stating that the board expected over seven lakh devotees during the 10-day period. He emphasized that the safety and accessibility of Vaikuntha Dwara Darshan were the top priorities.
However, the sheer volume of devotees seemed to overwhelm the arrangements, with long queues forming at token counters from early Wednesday morning. TTD’s plans to begin protocol darshan at 4:30 am on January 10, followed by Sarvadarshan at 8:00 am, now hang under a cloud of concern.
Public Outcry and Urgent Reforms
The tragedy has sparked outrage among devotees and the public, calling for immediate reforms in crowd management and safety protocols at religious sites. Eyewitnesses described the scene as chaotic, with insufficient personnel to control the surge of devotees.
“This is a preventable tragedy. Authorities must learn from this and implement stricter measures,” said a devotee present during the incident.
As the state reels from the shock of the incident, the focus remains on providing relief to the injured and ensuring that such calamities do not repeat. Devotees and the nation await answers, hoping that this tragic event becomes a catalyst for systemic improvements in the management of large-scale religious gatherings.