The West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) has announced an array of vacancies under the 2022 recruitment notification, with specifics about the number of posts in Group A, B, C, and D categories now clarified. This recruitment drive has created a buzz among government job aspirants, despite the application deadline having ended on April 1, 2022. The commission has yet to confirm if a new application window will open.
In total, 611 vacancies have been declared, distributed across various government services in West Bengal. Here’s a detailed breakdown:
- Group A: 153 vacancies, covering posts such as WBCS Executive, Revenue Service, Cooperative Service, Labor Service, Food and Supply Service, and Employment Service.
- Group B: 8 vacancies for the West Bengal Police Service.
- Group C: 128 vacancies spread over nine categories, including roles like District Correctional Service Superintendent, Joint Block Development Officer, and Assistant Commercial Tax Officer.
- Group D: 322 vacancies in three categories, with positions offering vital administrative support.
Salary Details
The compensation packages vary by group and position:
- Group A & B: ₹56,100–₹1,44,300
- Group C: ₹42,600–₹1,09,800 (with some posts starting from ₹39,900 or ₹35,800)
- Group D: ₹32,100–₹82,900
What’s Next?
While the application process for this recruitment has concluded, candidates eagerly await updates on whether the WBPSC will reopen applications. Interested aspirants are encouraged to stay updated by regularly checking the official WBPSC website.
This announcement comes shortly after WBPSC’s recent notification for teacher recruitment in Bengali and English medium government schools, indicating an active hiring phase for state government jobs.